Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kind Of Like Spitting - One Hundred Dollar Room

1. Hoax
2. One Bird, One Stone
3. Scene
4. Hoax
5. This Life, So Unlike The Last
6. 26 Is Too Soon
7. B- Side Poetry
8. Yes, You're Busted
9. Free Advice
10. Pick A Town, Find A Box, Live
11. 11:11
12. Sex Ruines Everything
13. Cater
14. Little Time Bomb

What is it about shitty days that conveys one to listen to music even more pathetic and deperate than themselves? Is it to feel sorry about yourself? Is it to realize that said musician is even more sad and pathetic than you and makes you feel better about yourself? I guess a combanation of the two. One of my favorate self-loathing albums is One Hundred Dollar Room, by indie-emo whiner Kind Of Like Spitting. This album is so isolated and desperate it's bound to make you feel better. My favorite aspect of this album is the repeating theme of the lines "You so complete, so much cooler than me, you will be the catch of a lifetime," appearing in the opener, "Hook", track 4,"Hoax", and track 13, "Cater", growing more intense everytime. KOLS definatly channeles Pinkerton era Weezer in track 3, "Scene", as Rivers-ish guitar lines squeel in octaves much simalar to Cuomo's solos, with shouty-type vocals to match. Track 8, "Yes Your Busted" reveals that KOLS can do punk too with mid-tempo, catchy guitar lines, and paranoid shouty vocals. Tracks 6 and 7, "26 Is Too Soon" and "B-side Poetry" kind of drag on the album, but are not totall throwaways. When in need of a sobby, whiney, self-loathing album, turn to OHDR and feel better in no time.


Brandon Lutmer said...

I didn't know you dug KOLS. he's one of my heroes... this is the first thing I ever heard from him. It's probably my 4th favorite record of his. if you want to hear one that's SUPER depressing and self Loathing, listen to The Thrill Of The Hunt. It's one of the saddest records I've ever heard (plus he covers "You" by Bad Religion on it). if you dont have it I'll burn it for you.

PS: B-side poetry is probably my favorite track on the album

midwest_marcus said...

Haha actually i downloaded some after you played in the studio, i do have "Thrill", and yeah that is so sad it's hard to listen to sometimes. The Bad Religion cover totally kicks ass though.